Poetry Articles

Poetry from Banned Words

There’s a list of “naughty words” floating around. Let’s turn them into poetry.

Playfully Formal Verse

Or, it must be nice to doglificate your life.

Things That Are Helpful, Things That Are Not

It’s been a challenging week on many fronts, but for today, I choose poetry.

Formal Verse Magic Template

A template to help simplify the drafting of a formal poem such as the ballade, sestina, villanelle, sonnets, or ghazals. For everyone who’s ever gnashed their teeth and said, “This may be the death of me, yet,” while writing one.



A new poem, “The Fledglings,” using last week’s Creative Copy Challenge prompt.

Social Compost (an Abecedarian Poem)

Social Compost (an Abecedarian Poem)

“The abecedarian is an ancient poetic form guided by alphabetical order. Generally each line or stanza begins with the first letter of the alphabet and is followed by the successive letter, until the final letter is reached.” (From https://poets.org/glossary/abecedarian

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