A More Positive Perspective

New Decade, New Adventures!

Poetry from Banned Words

There’s a list of “naughty words” floating around. Let’s turn them into poetry.

Take That, Facebook! You Can’t Have My Content!

It’s only slightly more effective than those stupid posts that go around every year telling Facebook that you’re unilaterally altering their Terms of Service as of midnight, or something – but it may make you feel better. Spring cleaning always does, right?

Playfully Formal Verse

Or, it must be nice to doglificate your life.

Things That Are Helpful, Things That Are Not

It’s been a challenging week on many fronts, but for today, I choose poetry.

We Are Hostage to Each Other

I was put in “Facebook Jail” yesterday – yes, again. First, it was “for 24 hours,” meaning I shouldn’t be out yet. Then, when I looked again this morning, this ban had been lifted without explanation.

WordPress Method:

The subscription box – which was part of Jetpack, is now gone. Along with the Jetpack plug-in on all my sites, as they have made it clear they no longer cater to personal blogs that don’t turn a profit but may choose to add an Amazon affiliate link or a recommendation for a business they strongly believe in, such as PeoplesHost. Note, too, that Jetpack is no longer free to non-profits, if those organizations solicit donations on their WordPress sites.

However, you should still be able to subscribe via WordPress.com if you’d like to be notified of new posts here.

You may have pending WordPress subscriptions already, in which case they won’t let you sign up for new stuff until you confirm or delete the pending ones. How to do that?

1. Visit https://subscribe.wordpress.com/.

2. Enter your email address, log in, and look for the Pending tab.

RSS Method

There are many RSS readers to choose from, and if you know what RSS is, you probably already know how to find the feed, here, and how to subscribe. IF you have a problem with the feed, though, you may need to go through similar steps:

Check your email (look in the Spam folder, too), for something with a subject line like, “Activate your Email Subscription to: A More Positive Perspective”. You may have missed a confirmation link. You may wonder, “WHY do I have to click so many @#$% links just to subscribe!?” It’s to keep you safe from malicious people who would try to subscribe you to everything on the Internet and fill up your inbox! (In some places, this double opt-in check is required by law.)



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